Friday, November 6, 2015

Being Thankful Day Five: Being Proud

               It seems like every day there is a new celebrity that comes out of the closet as some form of LGBT+ and dammit that makes me happy. Not because there are more LGBT+ people in the world, that is nice, but because they are doing it with pride. From Neil Patrick Harris saying he is a “Proud gay man” to Miley Cyrus coming out as Pansexual I am thankful that they had the pride in themselves to come out and decided to share it with the world.
               I am thankful that they are showing all generations that there is nothing shameful in being who you are. I am thankful that they are showing people it is okay to come out and be who you are. I am thankful that it is no longer wrong to be out and proud. This ties in to what I said yesterday about coming out, and I mean, I am thankful to live in a world when it is okay to be you.

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