Saturday, November 7, 2015

Being Thankful Day Six: HIV/AIDS

               I am thankful that even though we have still yet to find a cure for HIV/AIDS people are living longer and fuller lives. Drugs like PrEP are making is possible to prevent infections, better education is making to so less people are getting infected, and all around things are getting better.  I am thankful that people I know are living with, not dying from disease (shameless Rent quote, what can I say, I love it). I don’t really have a lot to say today, not because there is not a lot to be thankful for, no, just I don’t want to be repeating myself.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Being Thankful Day Five: Being Proud

               It seems like every day there is a new celebrity that comes out of the closet as some form of LGBT+ and dammit that makes me happy. Not because there are more LGBT+ people in the world, that is nice, but because they are doing it with pride. From Neil Patrick Harris saying he is a “Proud gay man” to Miley Cyrus coming out as Pansexual I am thankful that they had the pride in themselves to come out and decided to share it with the world.
               I am thankful that they are showing all generations that there is nothing shameful in being who you are. I am thankful that they are showing people it is okay to come out and be who you are. I am thankful that it is no longer wrong to be out and proud. This ties in to what I said yesterday about coming out, and I mean, I am thankful to live in a world when it is okay to be you.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Being Thankful Day Four: LGBT Organizations

               It always helps to have someone on your side and organizations like GLAAD and the Human Right Campaign are the help that we need, and I am thankful that they are there. I am thankful that they take up the fight for the LGBT+ community, that they raise awareness, and sponsor wonderful events like Spirit Day.
               I am thankful for these organizations because they bring awareness to issues in the community that I may not be aware of. They also hold groups like the film and TV industry responsible for fair representation of the LGBT+ community in media. I am thankful for these organizations because they bring of the awareness they bring our struggles for workplace equality. I am thankful because these organization can be a voice for thousands in the LGBT+ community.