I just want to talk about rights
and how we as the LGBT+ community deserves them. I look at the current state of
LGBT+ rights and it makes me sick, for every stride that we make we have
assholes like Donald Trump, Ted Cruz and the rest of their cronies who would
like to see the strides we have taken away. Justice Scalia still whines about
losing the marriage equality fight. It seems that everywhere we turn that
someone wants to take our hard earned rights away. Why, because we love
differently, or because we choose to be who we truly are? I look at the battle
we fight as members of the LGBT+ community and I can’t help but see parallels
to the civil rights movement of the 60s. With the black community of the 1960s
it was court orders to integrate college campuses, for us it’s marriage
equality, and even though we have a court order from the highest court in the
land we are still fighting battles for something as simple as a marriage
license. Frankly I’m tired of going to Huff Post and seeing Kim Davis’s face, I
think her 15 minutes of bigoted fame has come and gone.
Then we can take a look at
discrimination with the little things like equal protection under the law,
equal opportunity employment, and housing rights. I mean we’re not asking for
much just the same things that every heteronormative and cisnormative
individual has. This shouldn’t be that hard, there’s no asterisk next to all
men are created equal, there is no “but” in the civil right act. The fact that
some people likes boys instead girls, girls instead of boys, or identifies as a
gender different from the one assigned to them at birth should not make them
any less of a human being. So why is it that in most cities I can still is be
fired from my job or denied medical care? There is nothing about my sexuality
that makes my skillset any different or my body any less functional.
Then let’s talk about the elephant
in the room, cakes. Now I know I have said some things before about Christians
and their businesses and what I think they can do with them, and there’s part
of me that firmly believes what I say, however I don’t think we should be
fighting this war over cake, flowers, or catering in general. I believe the
concept of discriminating against someone because of their sexual orientation
or gender identity is ridiculous. This discrimination in 2015 looks as
ridiculous as discriminating against someone based on their race looked in the
1960s. How can we claim to be a progressive society; a melting pot of different
cultures, ideas and beliefs yet we want to exclude one segment of the
population just because they are different.
So as we come to the end of LGBT
history month let’s also remember that this fight didn’t start with marriage
equality. Anyone coming here from my Instagram (@ravenillusion) knows that I’ve
been covering LGBT history month events there just to show some of the
struggles and triumphs that have happened in the past. There are many pioneers
that have come and gone that have fought for the rights that we have today so
take some time to remember them, and look onward to the pioneers of the future.