Dear Gay People,
To my people I stand before you with a message: Stop asking
Christians to make your shit. Stop asking them to make your cakes, host your
weddings, or do anything for you. Let them be bigoted, and unhappy off in their
little Christian corners, and we can be happy in the rest of the world. Now I
am probably in the minority here, but I would rather someone put a sign on
their front window that says “No Gays Allowed” than frequent an establishment
of someone who doesn’t want me there.
Now you may think that this is wrong to say and that I am
discouraging equal rights, no I want equal rights, but I also think that I want
to know when someone doesn’t want me in their establishment. I also don’t want
to give my money to someone who could potentially use it to further their bigotry.
In a perfect world I wouldn’t need the Supreme Court to tell me it’s okay to
get married or laws protecting me from getting fired from my job just because
of who I fall in love with. In a perfect world Christians would see that Jesus
would love all people and would jumping up and down to embrace the LGBT
community. This however this is not a perfect world, we did need the Supreme
Court in order to get married, and we do need laws so we don’t get fired from
our jobs because of who we love.
I know that some of us may want to fly our flags, and
proudly chant “we’re here, we’re queer, get used to it” but the reality of the
situation is no matter how loudly we chant, no matter how many laws we pass, no
matter how many Supreme Court rulings we get a large majority of Christians are
never going to accept us. I mean even with the Supreme Court ruling we can’t
even get them to hand us a piece of paper, and if we can’t ask them as civil
servants to hand you a piece of paper across a desk how we can ask them to bake
a cake? Now I’m not taking their side in all of this, I’m just looking at this
situation rationally. A leopard can’t change its spots. These people have been
indoctrinated their entire lives to believe something is wrong, a law, a ruling,
or a court order isn’t likely to change their minds so we are essentially in a
staring contest where no one’s going to blink. So why not let them go off to
their own little corner and let them hate us. We can flock to Bakers, florist,
or hardware stores that actually want us there.
Just as an establishment may decide to hang a rainbow flag
in their window to show that they are at LGBT friendly let the Christians find
their own symbol to hang in their windows to show they are just the opposite,
call it freedom of religion or expression. Let them lose the business of us and
our allies, let their little symbol become a symbol of hate, of bigotry. Let
this theoretical symbol come to stand for a person who doesn’t understand
something as simple as love, and the fact that you don’t get to choose who you
love. Whether this symbol will be a flag or a simple sign that says “no gays
allowed” it will come to stand for ignorance, it will come to stand for hatred.
So let them stand out in a crowd as ignorant, as “haters”, and as the
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